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在一个联系日益紧密的环境中, the adaptation of engagement media to foster positive dialogue about the allocation of public space in cities 和 towns is critical. Information 和 Communication 技术 (ICTs) can be tailored to the needs of specific projects 和 the aspirations of every community, thus allowing our strategic approach to accommodate smart design principles to reimagine the social spaces of the cities 和 towns that we enjoy.




我们在2020年1月所知道的世界可能不会再回来了. The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 p和emic has forced most of us to quickly adapt to allow for some continuity of our daily activities under unprecedented measures, pushing us to test the limits of Information 和 Communication 技术 (ICTs) 和 its reliability to support new ways of interaction 和 collaboration. The disruptive effect of the p和emic has created unexpected opportunities to advance significant transformations in how we live, 移动, 工作, 玩, 和治疗, 安全.

The depth of such opportunities is yet unknown; from the wider integration of 工作ing-from-home arrangements in regular business practices 和 its potential impacts on mobility patterns, 传统市中心的交通使用和办公空间需求, 政府在支持国家和地方经济活动中的作用. 在这些潜在转变的核心, is the future of the social life of cities 和 the characteristics of the space where it customarily takes place: the public realm.

在AG平台的领导下, the San Pedro Sula Municipal Development Plan (PMDM) highlights the importance of ICTs to foster better decision making 加强市际协调.

一段时间以来,我们一直在共同探索城市环境的未来主义方面, 成功部署了一套优化移动系统的工具, 提高公用事业效率,增加社区安全.

IBI的 智慧城市平台 提供连接这些的数字环境, 和其他, applications under a seamless ICT system to foster a better way to manage the public realm in cities. 屡获殊荣的 布巴内斯瓦尔智慧城市总体规划 在印度和最近采用的 圣佩德罗苏拉的智慧城市战略, Honduras are just two examples of our strategic approach to advance the design of the cities of the future.

尽管文化背景不同, both initiatives demonstrate the possibilities created by integrating technology into city-building processes to create development opportunities tailored to the needs 和 aspirations of local communities.

这两个计划都将信息通信技术贯穿于城市的行政结构之中, facilitating coordination across business units 和 widening the exchange 和 reliability of a common data base about community needs 和 government performance. 这两个城市的实施议程进展顺利, building momentum through quick wins on priority issues that foster the collective resolution to tackle bigger initiatives.

AG平台的智慧城市沙盒是一个以智慧城市为主题的加速器, focused on bringing innovative new products 和 systems to urban environments that improve the quality of life for residents.

A salient aspect of the Bhubaneswar 和 San Pedro Sula examples is that the preparation of both plans emerged from wide community engagement processes that fostered positive discussions about reimagining the future.

Our experience in 工作ing with these communities confirmed the deep penetration of ICTs across diverse cultural 和 economic spectrums, 以及当地能力的适应性,将这些作为提高生活质量的工具. 打破“一切照旧”的做法是刺激创新的必要条件, 信息通信技术在城市建设中的整合为这种集体探索提供了工具.

公共领域是一种共同的可再生资源:我们可以重新构想它, 重新设计它,为它注入新的活力,提升我们在城市生活中的日常体验.

在一个联系日益紧密的环境中,数字工具正在迅速发展, the adaptation of engagement media to foster positive dialogue about the allocation of public space in cities 和 towns is critical. We are now focused on broadening the flexibility of our engagement toolkit to be easily deployed through digital media, 允许同步和异步 虚拟会议 促进和捕捉有关公共领域未来的讨论. These tools can be tailored to the needs of specific projects 和 the aspirations of every community, thus allowing our strategic approach to accommodate smart design principles to reimagine the social space of the cities 和 towns that we enjoy.


IBI Group's Digital Engagement Foyer uses 3D visualization 和 interactive technologies to enable 和 support virtual public engagement.



Our award-winning 2015 Smart City Strategy for Bhubaneswar established a Program Management Unit with over 30 staff in the Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) 布巴内斯瓦尔智慧城市有限公司, 生产布巴内斯瓦尔泛城市技术计划的神经中枢.




The San Pedro Sula Municipal Development Plan (PMDM) emerged from the community’s aspirations to transform their city – the industrial capital of Honduras – into a Smart City that puts people first. 在AG平台的领导下, the plan highlights the importance of information 和 communication technologies (ICTs) 和 the collection 和 dissemination of critical data to foster better decision making, 打破传统的藩篱, 加强市际协调.

Samuel is a results-oriented professional planner with more than twenty five years of experience leading professional teams to achieve integrated development initiatives of urban 和 regional scale. Samuel contributes competent expertise acquired through public 和 private sector positions in various locations in North America, 重点放在项目设想上, 规划, 预算, 管理与执行. Particular areas of interest include integrated project leadership; urban l和 development; 土地使用 和 transportation synergies; integration of placemaking设计智慧城市工具 以及区域规划和发展.


写的 撒母耳Alatorre
