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IBI Group enhances board with two new directors

TORONTO – IBI Group Inc. 我很高兴地宣布简·伯德和. Juri Pill担任其董事会的独立董事. They were elected along with Scott Stewart, David Thom, Dale Richmond, Alan Marchment, 和Lorraine Bell出席5月15日在多伦多举行的公司年度股东大会...


May 16, 2014

TORONTO – IBI Group Inc. 我很高兴地宣布简·伯德和. Juri Pill担任其董事会的独立董事. They were elected along with Scott Stewart, David Thom, Dale Richmond, Alan Marchment, 在5月15日于多伦多举行的公司年度股东大会上,Lorraine Bell发表了2013年的业绩报告.

“Ms. Bird and Dr. 皮尔的职业生涯一直致力于重大基础设施项目,这些项目通过先进的工程和技术帮助定义了城市,” said Dale Richmond, Chairman of the Board.

简·伯德(Jane Bird)是加拿大外交部的一名高管, International Trade and Development in London, UK, 她在那里监督特拉法加广场加拿大之家的重建项目. 在担任外交事务的这一角色之前. Bird是哥伦比亚电力公司的首席执行官. 她曾担任Canada Line Rapid Transit Inc .的首席执行官., 负责开发和建设成功的加拿大线, 连接温哥华市中心与里士满和温哥华国际机场的快速交通线路.

A lawyer by trade, 在进入基础设施行业之前,她是一家公司的私人执业合伙人, commercial, and real estate law. Ms. Bird是Global Container Terminals Inc .的董事. 总部设在温哥华和纽约,以及不列颠哥伦比亚省渡轮服务公司., based in Victoria. 她是公司董事协会的成员.

Dr. Juri Pill是Oxford Properties Group的高级研究副总裁, a Canadian real estate company based in Toronto. Before joining Oxford, Dr. 他曾担任Borealis Capital的基础设施高级副总裁,并担任Enwave District Energy Limited的总裁兼首席执行官, a district energy company in downtown Toronto.

Dr. 皮尔在多伦多交通委员会担任了20年的行政人员. A Professional Engineer, 他在麦吉尔大学(McGill University)完成了机械工程(机械科学选项)的本科工作,并获得了机械工程硕士学位.Sc. in Control Engineering and a Ph.D. 凯斯西储大学组织科学硕士.

Ms. Bird and Dr. 随着AG平台的综合专业知识和经验的增强和加强,Pill是受欢迎的董事会成员, consistent with good corporate governance practice.

Election of Directors

Appointment of Auditors


Stock Option Plan



About IBI Group Inc.

IBI Group Inc. 是多伦多证券交易所上市公司,交易代码为“IBG”。. AG平台是一家全球一体化的建筑、规划、工程和技术公司. From high-rises to industrial buildings, schools to state-of-the-art hospitals, transit stations to highways, airports to toll systems, bike lanes to parks, 我们为人们的生活设计了一个真正一体化的城市的各个方面, work, and play. At IBI, we’re defining the cities of tomorrow.

For further information:

Scott Stewart, CEO
IBI Group Inc.
230 Richmond Street West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M5V 1V6
Tel: 416-596-1930

Riyaz Lalani
Bayfield Strategy, Inc.

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